Wednesday 24 December 2014

Dark Comet RAT

Desclaimer : This is just for educational purpose and not intended to do hurt anyone or for illegal purposes.Using RAT without permission of system owner or Administrator is Crime

Dark Comet RAT [v5.3] *Links Fixed*

DarkComet 5.3 version is considered to be most stable version as this project is not supported anymore and there are too much of fake programs mostly binded on internet so i thought it would be helpful for you people .

If you guys know a bit about this then you must know that the latest versions of DC ( Legacy Versions ) just screw you up because it doesn't has the "Build Server" option (!) shocking , isn't it ? Probably to make it legal .So I am giving you this older version of DC which has the option (as like in the image below ).I hope you know how to set it up.

Note : In order to use this rat you have to disable your antivirus or any other security program otherwise it will got deleted . Antiviruses must detect it because it is an hack tool .. ;) 

NOTE : This tutorial is just for educational purposes .I am not responsible for anything that you do with it . REMEMBER using a rat on  someone else computer without their permission is CRIME .

Tutorial Courtesy ultimatepeter 

Download it from above link.

  • TOS should show up.
    Tick the box saying ‘Do not display again the EULA‘ that is located at the bottom left. DarkComet-RAT-10
    Click ‘I accept‘  DarkComet-RAT-11

    • At the bottom left, it will show up a Help Screen, tick ‘Do not show at startup‘ then click ‘FineDarkComet-RAT-12
    • Click DarkComet-RAT at the top left.

    • Click ‘Listen to new port (+Listen)
      A new window should open, put in your Port then tick ‘Try to forward automaticaly (UPNP)
      IN this case, I will do port 70 so I put that in, tick ‘Try to forward automatically (UpNP)‘ and click Listen.
    • Move over to ‘Socket / Net‘ located at the very end of the top left border.
      You should see something like this:
      70 may not be your port, your port that you added in ‘Listen to new port‘ will be displayed, not specifically 70.
    • Go to ‘
    • Put in the port that you are listened on.
      If all went well, it should look like this:
    • Now, click DarkComet-RAT again and click Server Module, then click Full Editor (Expert)
    • Name your Security Password anything you like, then click the Mutex a few times. We then have the Main Settings done.
      Make sure you untick FWB (Firewall Bypass)
    • Go to Network Settings.
      Now, go to and register
      Click Free DNS
    • Put in whatever you want for it. Make sure the email is valid because we will need it to validate. (if you don’t want to give your email, get a temp email at
      Sign in now.
    • Now, at the Body you will see a list of options, click ‘Add Host’
    • Copy the settings:
      Leave IP Address, as that will show as Default your IP address.
    • Click Create Host.
    • Go back to your DarkComet and put in the Ip/DNS and Port (DNS for the NO-IP you made a second ago and Port for the one you listened on!)
    • Then click ‘Add‘ and go to Module Startup.
      Tick the ‘Start the stub with windows (module startup)’
      Then leave everything but ‘Persistance installation ( always come back )
      Tick that.
      Now, it should look like this:
    •  Now go to ‘Stub Finalization‘ at the end.
      If you are going to get it crypted then don’t tick UPX (Ultimate Packer Executable) but if you are, I would leave it off and just have it on No compression.
    • Now tick the ‘Save the profile when stub succesfully generated’ and Build the Stub.
      Now there is one last thing.
    • Go to the Client Settings in DarkComet-RAT and then Click NO-IP Updater
    • Then put in the NO-IP host, Username and Password, then tick ‘Auto update your no-ip dns when your IP change
    • Now, run the stub that you generated in a Sandbox to test, and you should show up!

    • Here now, we have run through the entire thorough setup for DarkComet. Even your kid brother could follow this tutorial.